New genomes assembled using Omixon plug-ins

Four bacterial genomes have been assembled with the assistance of the Omixon Gapped SOLiD Alignment plug-in for the CLC Genomics Workbench. These bacterial genomes contribute to the understanding of dermatology, antibiotic production and oil degradation. Judit Hunyadkürti, Zsófia Feltóti, Balázs Horváth, Marianna Nagymihály, Andrea Vörös, Andrew McDowell, Sheila Patrick,...


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Omixon release new versions of their command line Toolkits

Omixon release support for paired reads with their Toolkits. Both Omixon Toolkits have a new release. Included in both is support for paired reads – both mate pair and paired end – along with a host of other new features and bug fixes.  See the linked release notes for...


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Omixon release online Human Exome Analysis

Omixon release the most accurate human exome analysis in the genomics industry. In co-ordination with their new website release, Omixon have today released their brand new online Human Exome Analysis service. The Omixon human exome analysis is designed to analyze DNA sequencing data targeted at the human exome. The...


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