Omixon Bioinformatics Blog – Introduction and plans

So, let me tell you a little about my plans for this blog. I will do three regular series:

  1. Bioinformatics for Beginners (on Mondays)
    This series is for total beginners. I will write posts about available technologies, file formats and other basic things.

  2. Workflow Wednesdays (on Wednesdays, obviously)
    This series is for slightly more advanced people. I will do an NGS analysis, step-by-step, from downloading the reference and read files to variant effect prediction (for a detailed plan, see the first post). I will use open access data and provide download links for each result file so you can try each step for yourself and compare your results to mine. In my opinion, the easiest way to learn about NGS analysis is to do NGS analysis.

  3. Flashcard Fridays (on Fridays)*
    We regularly suggest you interesting articles on our Facebook page and Twitter, this series will be an addition to that, again, mostly focusing on the technical aspects of bioinformatics. I will only suggest open access articles, so you can actually read the whole thing if it sounds interesting. I will also point out useful websites and other blogs.

I –obviously– don’t have decades of experience in the NGS field (also I’m only human), so feel free to correct me if you think I’m wrong. Also, I’m happy to answer any questions and if you have anything useful to add (e.g. alternative solution to a problem, additional information) please do so in the comment section!

Omixon Bioinformatics Blog - Introduction and plans

The word cloud was created using deeperweb, with the following search phrases: bioinformatics AND sequencing

*Yes, this series is called Flashcard Fridays solely to keep the alliteration thing going.