Bioinformatics for Beginners – ROSALIND

The Rosalind project provides an opportunity for learning bioinformatics through problem solving. Rosalind works the following way:

  • you select a problem to solve from a list of available problems,
  • you look through the problem and work out your solution (an example input and output is provided for each problem),
  • you download a random dataset and provide the output of your solution for that specific dataset,
  • the output is then checked by the Rosalind system and you get feedback immediately.

I”ve seen a lot of bioinformatics/programming related online learning materials in the last few months and Rosalind is one of the best I”ve come across so far. I definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to learn about bioinformatics abd scripting.

Rosalind offers three “locations”:

  • Python Village: this place is for people who don”t know anything about programming. It”s basically an interactive Python tutorial.
  • Bioinformatics Stronghold: this is the actual “solving biology related problems by scripting” part of the project.
  • Bioinformatics Armory: this place is for problem solving with existing tools.

A few facts about Rosalind:

  • It”s completely free.
  • It”s computer platform and programming language independent.
  • There are badges and achievements and you can also collect XP which all help you keep motivated (and make you feel like you”re playing a computer game).
  • The project was named after Rosalind Franklin, who is probably one of the most underappreciated scientists of all time.